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Major Anniversaries in US History—2021


  • 240th anniversary of the Pennsylvania Line Mutiny on January 1, 1781

  • 210th anniversary of Senator Timothy Pickering being censored, making him the first Senator censored, on January 2, 1811

  • 245th anniversary of the Tory Act on January 2, 1776

  • 500th anniversary of Martin Luther being excommunicated on January 3, 1521

  • 240th anniversary of Benedict Arnold, as a British Commander, capturing Richmond, on January 5, 1781

  • 955th anniversary of Harold II being crowned King of England on January 6, 1066, setting in motion what would become the Battle of Hastings

  • 105th anniversary of the Allies leaving Gallipoli on January 8, 1916.  Gallipoli was a large scale assault to gain control on the Ottoman Empire that failed and severely damaged Churchill’s reputation in The Great War.

  • 245th anniversary of the publication of Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense” on January 9, 1776

  • 120th anniversary of America striking oil on January 10, 1901, kicking off the American oil industry.

  • 75th anniversary of the first meeting of the United Nations on January 10, 1946

  • 55th anniversary of President Johnson appointing the first African-Amercan cabinet member, Robert C. Weaver, on January 13, 1966.

  • 190th anniversary of the publication of “The Hunchback of Notre Dame,” by Victor Hugo on January 15, 1831

  • 240th anniversary of the Battle of Cowpens, SC on January 16, 1781

  • 60th anniversary of President Kennedy’s inauguration on January 20, 1961

  • 40th anniversary of President Regan’s inauguration on January 20, 1981

  • 240th anniversary of Henry Lee and Francis Marion raiding Georgetown, SC on January 24, 1781

  • 60th anniversary of the first televised news conference by a President on January 25, 1961, by President Kennedy who discussed Russia and Africa.

  • 245th anniversary of the first War Memorial authorized by Congress on January 25, 1776.  Congress authorizes the first war memorial in honor of Brigadier General Richard Montgomery.

  • 60th anniversary of the first woman to serve as the president’s physician.  Janet Travell was appointed by President Kennedy to be his personal physician on January 26, 1961

  • 160th anniversary of Kansas entering the Union on January 29, 1861

  • 240th anniversary of Maryland ratifying the Articles of Confederation on January 30, 1781.

  • 50th anniversary of the Apollo 14 launch to the moon on January 31, 1971


  • 160th anniversary of Texas seceding from the Union on February 1, 1861

  • 160th anniversary of southern states meeting to form the Confederate States of America on February 3, 1861.

  • 195th anniversary of the publication of “The Last of the Mohicans” on February 4, 1826 written by James Cooper.

  • 1,875th anniversary of the end of the Punic Wars on February 5, 146 BCE.  The Punic Wars was a century-long war between Rome and Carthage.

  • 390th anniversary of the arrival of Puritan Roger Williams to the Massachusetts Bay Colony on February 5, 1631.  Williams later founded Rhode Island.

  • 160th anniversary of the awarding of the first Medal of Honor on February 13, 1861.  It was awarded to Colonel Bernard J. D. Irwin

  • 60th anniversary of the deadly crash that killed all 18 members of US figure skating team on February 15, 1961.

  • 220th anniversary of the election of Thomas Jefferson to the presidency on February 17, 1801

  • 185th anniversary of the start of the Battle of Alamo on February 23, 1836

  • 160th anniversary of the creation of Colorado Territory congress on February 28, 1861


  • 60th anniversary of the Peace Corps on March 1, 1961

  • 240th anniversary of the Articles of Confederation ratified on March 2, 1781

  • 245th anniversary of the Siege of Boston on March 2, 1776

  • 90th anniversary of the Star Spangled Banner becoming the National Anthem on March 3, 1931

  • 160th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s inauguration on March 4, 1861

  • 245h anniversary of Dorchester Heights on March 4, 1776.  Henry Knox and his cannons occupy Dorchester Heights.

  • 185th anniversary of the Battle of Alamo ending on March 6, 1836

  • 145th anniversary of the Telephone patented by Alexander Graham Bell on March 7, 1876

  • 105th anniversary of Poncho Villa attacking New Mexico on March 9, 1916

  • 240th anniversary of the Spanish Siege on Pensacola on March 9, 1781

  • 160th anniversary of the Confederate Constitution on March 11, 1861

  • 245th anniversary of “Humane Ladies” on March 12, 1776.  A public notice published Baltimore recognizing the plight of women during the  Revolutionary War.

  • 240th anniversary of the discovery of Uranus by William Hershel on March 13, 1781

  • 245th anniversary of Alexander Hamiliton becomes Captain on March 14, 1776

  • 270th anniversary of James Madison’s birthday on March 16, 1751

  • 1,560th anniversary of Saint Patrick’s death on March 17, 461

  • 245th anniversary of British evacuation from Boston on March 17, 1776

  • 255th anniversary of Stamp Act repeal on March 18, 1766

  • 110th anniversary of the Triangle Shirtwaist fire on March 25, 1911

  • 185th anniversary of 417 Texas Revolutionaries executed on March 27, 1836

  • 40th anniversary of President Reagan shot by John Hinckley Jr. on March 30, 1981

  • 245th anniversary of Abigail Adams “Remember the ladies” on March 31, 1776.  Abigail Adams wrote her husband John Adams to have the Continental Congress to remember the Nations women fighting for Independence.


  • 400th anniversary of the Pilgrim-Wampanoag Peace Treaty on April 1, 1621.  This would be the first treaty between Colonist and a Native American Tribe

  • 85th anniversary of Bruno Haputmann execution on April 3, 1936.  Haputmann was convicted for the Lindbergh Kidnapping

  • 245th anniversary of the Continental Congress permitting privateers to attack British vessels on April 3, 1776.

  • 180th anniversary of President Harrison dying from pneumonia after 32 days in office on April 4, 1841

  • 245th anniversary of Washington’s March to New York on April 4, 1776.  Washington and his troops left Boston for New York ahead of the expected British invasion.

  • 125th anniversary of the first Modern Olympics held in Athens on April 6, 1896

  • 180th anniversary of President Tyler’s inauguration on April 6, 1841 following Harrison’s death.

  • 140th anniversary of Billy the Kid convicted of murder on April 9, 1881

  • 70th anniversary of General McArthur being relieved of his duties in Korea on April 11, 1951

  • 160th anniversary of The American Civil War begins on April 12, 1861

  • 60th anniversary of the Bay of Pigs invasion on April 17, 1961

  • 115th anniversary of the Great San Francisco earthquake on April 18, 1906

  • 35th anniversary of Chernobyl on April 26, 1986


  • 90th anniversary of the dedication of the Empire State Building on May 1, 1931

  • 170th anniversary of the “Great Exhibition” opening at the Crystal Palace in London on May 1, 1851.  The Great Exhibition showed the technological advancements of the world and was the first of what many American’s call World Fairs.

  • 75th anniversary of Japanese War Crime Trials beginning on May 3, 1946

  • 135th anniversary of the Haymarket Square Riot on May 4, 1886. A labor rally becomes violent in Chicago, IL.

  • 245th anniversary of Rhode Island declaring independence from England on May 4, 1776, the first colony to do so.

  • 125th anniversary of H.H. Holmes executed in Philadelphia on May 7, 1896. Holmes is dubbed as America’s first serial killer. 

  • 480th anniversary of Spanish Conquistador, Hernando de Soto, reaching the Mississippi River on May 8, 1541

  • 150th anniversary of the Franco-Prussian War ending on May 10, 1871

  • 175th anniversary when the United States declares war on Mexico on May 13, 1846

  • 265th anniversary of the Seven Years War beginning on May 15, 1756

  • 125th anniversary of Plessy v. Ferguson on May 18, 1896

  • 485th anniversary of the execution of Anne Boleyn on May 19, 1536.  Anne Boleyn was the second wife of King Henry VIII

  • 65th anniversary of the United States testing of the hydrogen bomb on May 20, 1956

  • 140th anniversary of the creation of the American Red Cross on May 21, 1881

  • 120th anniversary of the first speed limit law on May 21, 1901 passed by the state Connecticut.

  • 240th anniversary of the siege on Ninety Six in South Carolina on May 22, 1781

  • 110th anniversary of New York’s Public Library on May 23, 1911

  • 160th anniversary of President Lincoln suspending Habeas Corpus on May 25, 1861

  • 60th anniversary of the Appeal for Amnesty Campaign on May 28, 1961

  • 590th anniversary of the execution of Joan of Arc on May 30, 1431

  • 50th anniversary of the Mariner 9 mission to Mars on May 30, 1971

  • 110th anniversary of the First Indy 500 on May 30, 1911

  • 80th anniversary of Germany capturing Crete on May 31, 1941


  • 105th anniversary of President Wilson signing the National Defense Act on June 3, 1916

  • 60th anniversary of Laos neutrality on June 4, 1961 after President Kennedy and Premier Khrushchev reached an agreement.

  • 145th anniversary of the Transcontinental Express Train traveling cross country in 83 hours on June 4, 1876

  • 105th anniversary of the Brusilov Offensive on June 4, 1916, the largest Allied offensive in WWI

  • 245th anniversary of the Lee Resolution on June 7, 1776.  Richard Henry Lee presents his resolution for Independence to the Continental Congress

  • 245th anniversary a committee was created to draft the Declaration of Independence on June 11, 1776. The committee was made up of five men: Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, Sherman, and Livingston.

  • 55th anniversary of the Miranda Rights on June 13, 1966

  • 640th anniversary of the Peasant Army marching into London on June 13, 1381

  • 175th anniversary of the “Bear Flag” Revolt in California on June 14, 1846.  Settlers in California revolted against the Mexican government, they created the bear flag that would later become the inspiration for the California State Flag.

  • 175th anniversary of the creation of the  United States-Canadian Border on June 15, 1846

  • 75th anniversary of the Baruch Plan on June 15, 1946. Baruch Plan called for the international control of Atomic Weapons.

  • 245th anniversary of Delaware declaring Independence from Britain and Pennslyivania, creating the Statehood of Delaware on June 15, 1776

  • 165th anniversary of the First Republican National Convention on June 19, 1856

  • 80th anniversary of Operation Barbarossa on June 22, 1941

  • 145th anniversary of the Battle of Little Bighorn on June 25, 1876

  • 65th anniversary of the Federal Highway Act on June 26, 1956

  • 85th anniversary of the best selling novel, Gone with the Wind published on June 30, 1936


  • 105th anniversary of the Battle of Somme on July 1, 1916

  • 245th anniversary of the Continental Congress voting for Independence from Britain on July 2, 1776

  • 140th anniversary of the assissanation of President Garfield on July 2, 1881

  • 245th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence adopted on July 4, 1776

  • 45th anniversary of women admitted to the US Naval Academy on July 6, 1976

  • 75th anniversary of the infamous gangster George “Bugs” Moran arrested on July 6, 1946

  • 45th anniversary of women admitted to West Point on July 7, 1976

  • 40th anniversary of Sandra Day O’Connor admitted to the Supreme Court on July 7, 1981, making O’Connor the first woman Supreme Court Justice

  • 245th anniversary the Liberty Bell rings for independence on July 8, 1776

  • 50th anniversary of the United States turning over the DMZ to Saigon Troops on July 9, 1971

  • 175th anniversary of the United States claiming San Francisco from Mexico on July 9, 1846

  • 80th anniversary of Germany’s Enigma code broken on July 9, 1941

  • 365th anniversary of the First Quaker Colonist landing in Boston on July 10, 1656

  • 160th anniversary of the Battle of Rich Mountain on July 11, 1861

  • 140th anniversary of Billy the Kid killed on July 14, 1881

  • 215th anniversary of Pike’s Expedition on July 15, 1806.  Army Officer Zebulon Pike led an expedition to find the source of the Mississippi River.

  • 85th anniversary of the Spanish Civil War beginning on July 18, 1936 

  • 140th anniversary of Sitting Bull Surrendering on July 20, 1881

  • 160th anniversary of the First Battle of Bull Run on July 21, 1861

  • 110th anniversary of the discovery of Machu Picchu on July 24, 1911

  • 90th anniversary of a plaque of of Grasshoppers hit the Midwest on July 26, 1931

  • 100th anniversary of Insulin created on July 27, 1921

  • 100th anniversary of Hitler becoming the leader of the Nazi Party on July 29, 1921

  • 65th anniversary of “In God We Trust” signed into law by President Eisenhower on July 30, 1956


  • 60th anniversary of the first Six Flags opening on August 1, 1961in Arlington, TX

  • 40th anniversary of MTV launching on August 1, 1981

  • 145th anniversary of Wild Bill Hickok killed on August 2, 1876

  • 245th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence on August 2, 1776

  • 160th anniversary of the first Federal Income tax on August 5, 1861

  • 95th anniversary of the first woman to swim the English Channel on August 6, 1926.  The swimmer was Gertrude Ederle

  • 85th anniversary of Jesse Owens winning four medals in the Berlin Olympics on August 9, 1936

  • 175th anniversary of The Smithsonian created on August 10, 1846

  • 345th anniversary of King Philip’s War ending on August 11, 1676

  • 60th anniversary of Berlin divided on August 13, 1961

  • 40th anniversary of the Economic Recovery Tax Act signed into law on August 13, 1981 by President Reagan

  • 240th anniversary of the Parker’s Ferry Ambush on August 13, 1781.  Francis Marion and his men ambushed Loyalist Cavalry

  • 60th anniversary of the Berlin Wall on August 15, 1961

  • 125th anniversary of Gold discovered in the Yukon on August 16, 1896

  • 110th anniversary of the first Telegram around the world on August 20, 1911

  • 190th anniversary of the Nat Turner Revolt on August 21, 1831

  • 245th anniversary of British landing on Long Island on August 22, 1776

  • 200th anniversary of Mexican Independence from Spain on August 24, 1821

  • 675th anniversary of the Battle of Crecy on August 25, 1346

  • 245th anniversary of the Battle of Brooklyn on August 27, 1776


  • 355th anniversary of the Great London Fire on September 2, 1666

  • 135th anniversary of Geronimo’s Surrender on September 4, 1886

  • 185th anniversary of Sam Houston elected President of Texas on September 5, 1836

  • 240th anniversary of General Benedict Arnold burning New London, CT on September 6, 1781

  • 245th anniversary of the First Submarine Attack on September 7, 1776

  • 80th anniversary of the Siege of Leningrad on September 8, 1941

  • 240th anniversary of the Battle Eutaw Springs, NC on September 8, 1781

  • 245th anniversary of Congress renaming the nation as The United States of America on September 9, 1776

  • 50th anniversary of Attica Prison Riot on September 9, 1971

  • 245th anniversary of Nathan Hale becoming a spy for the Continentals on September 10, 1776

  • 170th anniversary of The Christiana Riot on September 11, 1851.  The riot consisted of abolitionists and a group trying to capture fugitive slaves in Pennsylvania

  • 20th anniversary of September 11th, 2001

  • 50th anniversary of the Attica Prison Massacre on September 13, 1971

  • 120th anniversary of President McKinley died from gunshot wounds on September 14, 1901

  • 105th anniversary of tanks first used in war at Somme on September 16, 1916

  • 45th anniversary of Space Shuttle of Enterprise on September 17, 1976

  • 80th anniversary of Germany bombing Leningrad on September 19, 1941

  • 245th anniversary of Nathan Hale executed on September 22, 1776

  • 215th anniversary of Lewis and Clark returning to St. Louis on September 23, 1806

  • 175th anniversary of the discovery of Neptune on September 23, 1846

  • 955th anniversary of William the Conqueror invading England on September 28, 1066

  •  240th anniversary Battle Yorktown on September 28, 1781

  • 80th anniversary of the Babi Yar Massacre on September 29, 1941


  • 75th anniversary of the Nuremberg Trials ending on October 1, 1946

  • 155th anniversary of the first train robbery carried out by the Reno Brothers on October 6, 1866

  • 150th anniversary of the Great Chicago Fire on October 8, 1871

  • 150th anniversary of the Peshtigo Fire on October 8, 1871.  This fire occurred in Wisconsin and claimed the lives of 1,200 people, far more than the Great Chicago Fire but often is forgotten in history as they happened on the same day.

  • 245th anniversary of the Battle of Valcour Island on October 11, 1776

  • 955th anniversary of the Battle of Hastings on October 14, 1066

  • 75th anniversary of the execution of Nazi War Criminals on October 16, 1946.  A total of 10 high ranking officers were hanged after the Nuremberg Trials

  • 90th anniversary of Al Capone going to prison on October 17, 1931

  • 240th anniversary of the Battle of Yorktown on October 19, 1781

  • 120th anniversary of the first barrel ride down Niagara Falls on October 24, 1901

  • 160th anniversary of the completion of the first transcontinental Telegraph Line on October 24, 1861 by Western Union

  • 140th anniversary of the Shootout at O.K. Corral on October 26, 1881

  • 135th anniversary of the Statue of Liberty dedicated on October 28, 1886


  • 160th anniversary of Jefferson Davis being elected President of the Confederate States of America on November 6, 1861

  • 105th anniversary of Jeannette Rankin elected to Congress on November 7, 1916 making her the first woman elected to Congress

  • 160th anniversary of the Battle of Belmont on November 7, 1861

  • 100th anniversary of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier dedicated on November 11, 1921

  • 190th anniversary of the execution of Nat Turner on November 11, 1831

  • 170th anniversary of Moby Dick published on November 14, 1851.  Written by Herman Melville

  • 245th anniversary of the capture of Fort Washington on November 16, 1776.  The British capture Fort Washington on Manhattan Island

  • 105th anniversary of the Britannic sinking on November 21, 1916

  • 85th anniversary of LIFE magazine first published on November 23, 1936

  • 80th anniversary of the modern Thanksgiving on November 26, 1941. President Roosevelt make the fourth Thursday in November a National Holiday for Thanksgiving Day


  • 145th anniversary of the Brooklyn Theater Fire on December 5, 1876.  The fire killed 300 people and resulted in safety precautions for theaters that we still use today

  • 80th anniversary of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941

  • 80th anniversary of The United States declaring war on Japan on December 8, 1941

  • 120th anniversary of the first Nobel Peace Prizes on December 10, 1901

  • 80th anniversary of Germany declaring war on The United States on December 11, 1941

  • 75th anniversary of UNICEF on December 11, 1946

  • 120th anniversary of the first radio transmission across the Atlantic on December 12, 1901

  • 230th anniversary of the Bill of Rights ratified on December 15, 1791

  • 170th anniversary of Library of Congress fire on December 24, 1851 destroying much of President Jefferson’s personal library

  • 245th anniversary of Washington Crossing the Delaware on December 25, 1776

  • 55th anniversary of Kwanzaa on December 26, 1966

  • 245th anniversary of the Battle of Trenton on December 26, 1776

Please email me any anniversaries you think should be considered for this list or any corrections.

— Larisa Moran, Contributing Editor, The History List.

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