By Published On: November 11, 20181 min readTotal Views: 178Daily Views: 1Categories: History Lists

Notable anniversaries in US history in December 2018

195th anniversary of the Monroe Doctrine forbidding European interference in the Americas on December 2, 1823

235th anniversary of George Washington’s farewell address to his officers on December 4, 1783

85th anniversary of Prohibition ending on December 5, 1933

170th anniversary of the start of the Gold Rush when President James K. Polk confirmed in his State of the Union address that large quantities of gold had been discovered in California on December 5, 1848

240th anniversary of John Jay being elected President of the Continental Congress on December 10, 1778

120th anniversary of the Treaty of Paris ending the Spanish-American War on December 10, 1898

100th anniversary of  President Woodrow Wilson making the first U.S. Presidential trip to Europe on December 13, 1918

245th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party on December 16, 1773

↣ Read more and get suggestions of events and places to visit.

115th anniversary of the Wright brothers flight on December 17, 1903

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235th anniversary of George Washington resigning as Commander in Chief  on December 23, 1783

240th anniversary of the British capturing Savannah, Georgia in the Revolutionary War on December 29, 1778

→ Notable anniversaries for this and future months are listed in our History Lists section of the site.




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