Hart Canyon Rendezvous Site

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The Hart Canyon Rendezvous Site is located near Caliente, California. GPS coordinates are provided to the intersection of the last turn to the site.

Directions to Hart Canyon Rendezvous site:
GPS Coordinates: N35.2000.7,-118.22112
From Highway 58, take the Caliente cutoff, (Bealville Road) traveling north, approx. 2 miles.
Road will become Caliente-Bodfish Road; continue traveling east, approx. 3 miles.
At the fork, continue straight on to Caliente Creek Road (right fork) and travel approx. 13 miles, past the Twin Oaks Store.
Turn right at Back Canyon Road,
Turn left onto Big Springs Road,
Turn right at Jay Drive. The gate to the Hart Canyon Rendezvous site will be on the left.

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