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Patriots’ Day 2023: Comprehensive schedule for all activities April 8 through April 25, 2023

Saturday, April 8, 2023

10:30 am — Wilson Park in Bedford — Bedford Parade and Pole Capping

Minutemen from throughout New England will convene on the Town Common and march with fife and  drum down The Great Road to Wilson Park to watch the official Pole Capping tradition. A minuteman will proclaim freedom by shinnying up a 25-foot pole and placing a red cap atop it, and British soldiers will arrive to disrupt the festivities.

1:00 pm — Meriam’s Corner, Lexington Rd., Concord — Meriam’s Corner Exercise

The Town of Concord, joined by local fife and drum ensembles, minute men, and the Concord Independent Battery commemorate the fighting that occurred at Meriam’s Corner in Concord on April 19, 1775 that marked the start of the running battle back to Boston.

3:00 pm — Paul Revere Capture Site of Minute Man National Historical Park — Paul Revere Capture Ceremony

The Minute Men march down Battle Road and narrate the story of Revere’s capture at the actual site. Hear Revere, Samuel Prescott, William Dawes, Mary Hartwell, even Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Music, dramatic reading and musket fire in the Park. For all ages.

Saturday, April 15

9:30 am — Lexington — Parker’s March and Wreath Laying

The Lexington Minutemen are called to arms by Captain Parker at 9:30 am on Lexington Green and march to the battle site for a noon ceremony at the Parker’s Revenge site in Minute Man National Historical Park.

11:15 am — Hartwell Tavern and Captain William Smith House — “Trepidation, Fever and Rushing to Arms”

Join living historians at the Captain William Smith house for a program about the civilian experience of April 19, 1775. See alarm riders in action, militia marching to the scene of battle, and civilians preparing to leave home. During this 30-minute program, the Ladies Association of Revolutionary America will tell the stories of the common people who experienced the horrors of war first-hand.

Noon — Lincoln — Civilian evacuees on the Battle Road: Civilian evacuees on the Battle Road leave from the Smith House

12:45 pm — Minute Man National Historical Park — Parker’s Revenge Reenactment

Lexington Minute Men reenact the Parker’s Revenge skirmish which occurred in the afternoon of April 19th when the Lexington Militia Company under Capt. John Parker ambushed the retreating Redcoats near the Lexington-Lincoln town line.

1:00 pm — Lexington — Third US Infantry Regiment, Old Guard/Commander-in-Chief’s Guard: Demonstration of Revolutionary War weapons and tactics.

2:30 pm — Hartwell Tavern — Explore Elm Brook Hill Battle Site

Join Edmund Foster, a militiaman from Reading, Massachusetts (portrayed by park volunteer, Ed Hurley), on a guided tour to the Elm Brook Hill (Bloody Angle) Battle Site where he fought on April 19, 1775. Foster will be joined by Lincoln, Massachusetts historian and author Don Hafner.

3:00 pm – 4:00 pm — Lexington — Re-enactors assemble

British troops arrive on the retreat from Concord and occupy the Tavern, tending to their wounded and planning their next steps. The Tavern will be open for tours.

4:00 pm – 5:00 pm — Lexington — Tower Park Battle

A battle in the American Revolution will be demonstrated for the public in Tower Park, a natural amphitheater near Munroe Tavern.

Sunday, April 16

1:30 – 4:30 pm — Minute Man National Historical Park — Col. Barrett House

Intense military preparations at the Col. Barrett House. British soldiers will arrive and search the grounds.

5 pm — Acton — Robbins’ Ride

The Acton Minutemen will portray the spreading of the alarm throughout Acton with a horse and rider galloping past the homes of Acton’s four militia leaders. At the historic Faulkner Homestead, Colonel Faulkner himself will fire three alarm shots into the air with his musket, and those shots will be repeated again and again off in the distance as the alarm is spread.

5:00 pm — Robbins’ Home site, soccer fields at the bottom of Concord Rd.
5:20 pm — Isaac Davis Homestead at 39 Hayward Road
5:40 pm — Faulkner Homestead at 5 High St. in South Acton at the corner of Route 27
5:55 pm — Liberty Tree Farm at 24 Liberty St. in South Acton
7 pm — Lincoln — Lincoln Alarm and Muster at the White Church: On the library lawn opposite First Parish, at 3 Bedford Road.
11:30 pm — Lexington: Paul Revere arrives at the Hancock/Clarke House on Hancock Street.

Monday, April 17

4:15 am — Stow

The Annual Trail March and Parade starts from Stow Lower Common. Fiifes and drums and the firing of the muskets awaken the townsfolk along the route. The Minutemen arrive at the North Bridge around 9 am join the Concord parade.

4:45 am — Westford

Col. John Robinson Trail March. Members of the Westford Colonial Minutemen walk the route travelled by the Westford militia and minute companies used when they answered the alarm on April 19th, 1775. You are invited to join this 10-mile walk, which ends at North Bridge in Concord.

5:30 am — Lexington — Reenactment of the Battle of Lexington

This event recreates the skirmish on Lexington Green the morning of April 19, 1775 that marked the beginning of the American Revolution. Following the ringing of the bell in the Old Belfry, members of the Lexington Training Band (now known as the Minutemen) gather on Lexington Green to await the column of British Regulars as they march into the town center. A shot rings out, the skirmish follows, and the British column marches on towards Concord leaving dead and wounded behind.

6:00 am — Lexington: Pancake Breakfasts, nominal cost

St. Brigid Church, 2001 Massachusetts Avenue, sponsored by Boy Scout Troop 160. 6:00 am to 10:00 am. Nominal cost.

First Baptist Church, 1580 Massachusetts Avenue (across from the police station). 6:00 am to 10:00 am. Nominal cost.

6:00 am — Acton

Isaac Davis March to Concord starting at the Isaac Davis Homestead at 37 Hayward Road, arriving at North Bridge at 9 am.

6:40 am — Lincoln

Tribute and march to Concord beginning outside Bemis Hall at 15 Bedford Road. The Lincoln Minute Men will salute the patriots buried in the Old Meetinghouse Cemetery. Roll call is read, fifers play a lament, minute men mysteriously emerge from the morning mists in the cemetery, and a musket salute is fired. The Minute Men begin their march along Sandy Pond Road toward Concord with colonial music and musket fire. All ages welcome to join the march.

7:30 am — Lexington

Sunrise Youth Parade starting at Munroe Cemetery driveway on Massachusetts Avenue.

8:00 am — Minute Man National Historical Park — North Bridge

Commemoration of the Battle at North Bridge with British and colonial reenactors and park rangers and volunteers.

8:30 am — Minute Man National Historical Park — North Bridge

Mourn Arms Ceremony at the British Graves with British Regulars from the King’s Own 4th Regiment of Foot, Tenth Regiment of Foot, and First Foot Guards will Mourn Arms and salute the fallen soldiers of the 4th.

9:00 am — Concord — Patriots’ Day Parade: In Concord Center.

10:00 am — Lexington — Patriots’ Day Road Race: Starting at Lexington Green.

10:15 am — Lexington — 113th Wreath-laying Ceremony

The LMM and DAR lay wreaths at several of the war monuments around the Battle Green, including the Revolutionary Monument where the Lexington soldiers killed on April 19, 1775 are buried.

11:15 am – 12:00pm — Hancock Church — Annual Patriots’ Day Hand Bell Concert

The Handbell Choirs of Hancock Church present a family-friendly concert of American music rung on five octaves of handbells and chimes. A free-will offering will be collected at the door.

1:00 pm — Lexington — Paul Revere arrives at Lexington Green

2:00 pm — Lexington — Patriots’ Day Parade: Down Massachusetts Avenue through East Lexington and Lexington Center.

8:00 pm — Minute Man National Historical Park — North Bridge Visitor Center — Patriot vigil and lantern procession

With poetry, music, and a recitation of the names of the soldiers who gave their lives on April 19. If you wish to participate in the lantern procession, please bring a lantern with a real candle, not an LED candle and not a flashlight.

Tuesday, April 18

3:45 am — Wayland

The Sudbury Companies of Militia and Minute will march from First Church in Wayland and later at 5:30 am gather in Sudbury Center and march to North Bridge, arriving at approximately 11:30 am, and will fire a salute.

12:30 pm – 4 pm — Minute Man National Park

National Park Rangers will lead an immersive five-mile guided Battle Road trail hike with guided interpretation and immersive living history elements. This program is free and open to the public; registration is required to reserve a seat on the post-program shuttle bus returning participants to their vehicles. Note: I understand that, as of April 17, there is no more space on the shuttle.

6:30 – 8 pm — Westford

Patriots’ Day Candlelight Tribute at Fairview Cemetery (Tadmuck Road entrance). Access the service records of Westford’s Revolutionary War Soldiers on your phone or tablet as you stroll through the cemetery. Colonial interpreters will be present to answer questions.

Wednesday, April 19

11:30 am — Sudbury — Arrival of the Sudbury Militia, North Bridge, Concord

The Sudbury Companies of Militia and Minute will make their annual march to North Bridge from the Town of Sudbury, in honor of their fellow townsmen who made a similar march on April 19, 1775. They will fire three musket volleys from North Bridge as a soldierly salute.

12:00 pm — Minute Man National Historical Park — “Battle Road Anniversary Hike“

An immersive five-mile guided Battle Road trail hike at Minute Man National Historical Park. Follow in the footsteps of the ill-fated British Column during the 248th anniversary of the Concord expedition. This experiential program will bring the stories of the Battle Road to life through guided interpretation and immersive living history elements. Learn about the trials and triumphs of those who experienced the bloody events of April 19, 1775. This event is now SOLD OUT. Please click here to join the waitlist.

6:30 pm – 8:00 — Westford — Patriots Day Candlelight Tribute

This Patriots Day (April 19th) pay homage to our fallen Revolutionary War Patriots. Stroll the beautifully illuminated, old division of historic Fairview Cemetery for our first-ever candlelight tribute.

Sunday, April 23

2:00 pm — Lincoln — Old Burial Ground Tribute

The Lincoln Minute Men will assemble at the Pierce House and at 2:30 pm march to the Town Cemetery on Lexington Road accompanied by clergy, honored guests, and a contingent of British Regulars and bagpiper. Cravesite ceremonies will honor the Lincoln patriots of the Revolution and the five British soldiers who were killed in Lincoln on April 19, 1775, and are buried there. Refreshments will be served at the Pierce House afterward.

Sources: Battle Road, from His Majesty’s 10th Regiment of Foot, Minute Man National Historical Park, Friends of Minute Man, and the Town of Lexington.

Photos: Patriots Day 2008 at Minute Man National Historical Park, by Lee Wright, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Editor: Lee Wright, based heavily on the excellent information on the Battle Road site, and the others listed above under Sources.

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