United Indigenous Students in Higher Education

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The United Indigenous Students in Higher Education (UISHE), host of the annual PSU Naimuma Powwow, assist American Indian, Alaskan Native, and Indigenous Peoples in maintaining cultural values, while pursuing their educational goals. UISHE emphasizes the support of healthy lifestyles and the promotion of native self-determination.

While working towards our own individual degrees, UISHE students have the opportunity to participate in university activities and local Native American cultural and social gatherings. UISHE keeps students and the community informed about current Native American activities and concerns. Involvement with the Native American society enables UISHE members to come together and help meet the needs of our indigenous people.

Students who are recognized as Native American of a recognized affiliated tribe(s) or are adopted into the UISHE organization because of their interest in Native American culture, customs, and procices.

UISHE represents a diverse tribal membership throughout North America and is vital in supporting students with various tribal affiliations, ages and backgronds. As a social organization,UISHE helps Native students become aware of not only their culture, but the cultures of other indigenous peoples as well.

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