Small Museum Association Annual Conference

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October 3, 2014 - 5:00 pm CFP Deadline

Small Museum Association (SMA) 31st Annual Conference

Sunday, February 15 - Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Clarion Resort Fontainebleau Hotel, Ocean City, MD

The SMA conference attracts more than 250 museum professionals every year from a wide variety of small museums. Attendees go to sessions on topics ranging from collections and education to staffing and board issues. We offer a large Museum Resource Hall and plenty of informal networking opportunities for you to talk with (and get ideas from!) small museum professionals and volunteers. 

Theme: Museums in Harmony: exploring the ways in which museums and their staffs, boards, volunteers and communities can work together to meet the challenges brought on by changing economic, educational, and social conditions. 

Call for Papers
Through this Call for Proposals we invite you to share your knowledge, experience, and lessons learned with hundreds of colleagues who – like you – are committed to small museums everywhere.
Seeking sessions such as:
•    60 minute Speaker Presentation (Either Individual Speaker or Panel of Speakers) 
•    90 minute Speaker Presentation (Either Individual Speaker or Panel of Speakers) 
•    60 minute Roundtable Discussion (Led by a facilitator, but focused on group discussion around a specific topic) 
•    3-Hour Workshop (Two workshops are offered on Sunday afternoon, allowing participants to explore a topic in depth)

We invite proposals based on institutional experience or original research. Proposal topics should help attendees learn from your institutions’ successes and failures and provide low or no-cost ideas for making an impact. The power of small museums should be a central theme to any presentation, whether it addresses fundraising, education, curatorial issues, museum boards or volunteers. Proposals should also indicate the level of the information that will be provided, whether it is most appropriate for a beginner who is new to museums, someone with intermediate experience, or an expert in the field. Possible session topics include endowment management, running an all-volunteer museum, a session for board members by board members, and any other topic that would interest members of small museum staffs, boards, and volunteer corps. Proposals should be submitted using the form below no later than Friday, October 3, 2014.

Download our call for papers below:

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