Researching New York 2017: A Conference on New York State History

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August 20, 2017 - 11:59 pm CFP Deadline

Women of New York: Suffrage and Beyond


Celebrate New York History Month at the annual Researching New York Conference.  The conference meets annually in November, bringing together historians, archivists, public historians, graduate students, museum curators, teachers, documentarians, and more to share their work on New York State history topics. This year we are pleased to partner with the Fenimore Art Museum,  as well as our longtime partner, The Archives Partnership Trust, to present an expanded conference exploring all aspects of New York State History in addition to works focusing on the conference theme. Planning is underway for an expanded program with additional  sessions at the NYS Museum, including workshops and other  opportunities for secondary school teachers.

The conference is sponsored by the University at Albany Department of History & History Graduate Student Assn., University at Albany M.E. Grenander Special Collections & Archives, and the New York State Archives Partnership Trust with additional support from the Fenimore Art Museum and the New York State Museum.

For further information– if you have questions or comments, please contact us at

Conference organizers invite proposals from any time period and any methodological perspective on all aspects of New York State’s history.

2017 is a year of celebration of women suffrage in New York State. Groups throughout New York are marking the occasion with lectures, exhibits, conferences, and a wide range of programs commemorating the milestone. For Researching New York 2017, proposals that enlarge and expand that exploration by also considering the lives, work, and history of women in New York from the earliest native Americans to the present, are strongly recommended.

Organizers are seeking submissions for workshops, roundtables, panels, and individual papers from scholars, public historians, educators, archivists, librarians, and others engaged in the study, teaching, and presentation of New York State History. Work that addresses practical and theoretical issues surrounding the interpretation, preservation, commemoration, and public presentation of New York State history is encouraged.

Proposals are due August 20, 2017. Complete panels, workshops, media presentations, or full sessions are preferred; partial panels and individual submissions will be considered whenever possible. For panel, roundtable, or workshop proposals, submit a one-page summary of your session, including a brief abstract, and one-page curriculum vita for each panel participant. Individual submissions should include a one-page abstract and one-page vita. Submissions must include name, address, and e-mail address. All proposals should include any anticipated audiovisual needs and note any possible time constraints. When possible, scheduling accommodations will be made, but cannot be guaranteed. Submit proposals as an attachment, in a single document, to

Conference Organizers are also seeking commentators for panels. To indicate your interest,, noting your area of expertise, along with a one-page vita. For further information, visit the Researching New York website.

Researching New York is sponsored by the University at Albany History Department, History Graduate Student Organization, and M.E. Grenander Special Collection and the New York State Archives Partnership Trust and Fenimore Art Museum with additional support from the New York State Museum.