Lecture: The Development of Railroads in New Hampshire, 1825–1860

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Railroads transformed New Hampshire like few other innovations of the 19th century. All across the state, isolated towns and villages became linked by rail to one another and to the larger metropolitan areas in New England, bringing a host of new opportunities for communities large and small. This illustrated talk examines the economic, social, and political forces, both within the state and beyond its borders, that fostered the first generation of railroad development in New Hampshire. Presenter Frank J. “Jay” Barrett Jr., is a northern New England architect with a deep interest in 19th-century turnpike and railroad transportation and whose practice includes historic preservation work.

This program is included in the price of admission to the Society. Admission is $7 for adults. Society members and children ages 18 and under are admitted free of charge. Full-time students and active military personnel are also admitted free of charge with a valid ID.

Visit nhhistory.org or call 603-228-6688 for more information.