Impact of the 1918 Flu Epidemic

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Presented by genealogist Lori Lyn Price.

The 1918 flu pandemic killed up to 100 million people worldwide in less than a year, disproportionately taking healthy young adults. The personal impact was devastating and wide-ranging, including immigration, families split apart, and openings for women in the workforce. This talk draws on stories and newspaper articles to explore the multi-faceted ways the 1918 flu epidemic impacted families, sometimes for generations.

Lori Lyn Price, MAS, MLA, has worked on her personal genealogy for twenty years. She recently completed a master’s degree in history with an emphasis on history of medicine. She loves sharing her passion for social history, genealogy, and bringing ancestors to life by placing them in historical and social context. Her website is

The event is free and open to the public.