Historical Lecture Series: Transportation – Alfred E. Beach and the Bizarre Story of America’s First Subway

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In January 1870, the city of New York was buzzing with the shocking news that someone had been secretly digging a railway tunnel under Broadway. Would the stability of the streets be jeapordized? How would an underground railroad work? The concern and curiosity shown by the people of New York was exactly what Alfred E. Beach – inventor, Springfield native, and the man in charge of this bizarre operation – had hoped for. This lecture. presented by Kayla Haveles, will explore the story behind the nation’s first subway, examining how Beach used a combination of science, spectacle, and politics to create a grand public relations scheme meant to garner support for this new and intimidating technology.

Kayla Haveles is the Education Coordinator at the American Antiquarian Society. She has a M.A. in History with a concentration in Publich History. Haveles first discovered her love of museum work and public history as an undergraduate intern at Wistariahurst.

$5 suggested donation