2018 Brooksville Raid Reenactment

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Brooksville Raid

The Hernando Historical Museum Assoc., Inc. and North Pinellas County Scout Sertoma Club, Inc. present the 38th Annual Brooksville Raid Reenactment, Jan 20 & 21, 2018.  This reenactment is a re-creation of a Civil War battle that happened in Hernando County in July of l864. 

The Raid is held the 3rd weekend in January every year.  We have become the largest Civil War reenactment in Florida with over 1500 reenactors and their families.  We have 28 cannons, 60 horses, and over 50 sutlers.

The public is invited to tour, at no additional charge, the authentic confederate and union camps and actually see how they lived and what it was like during the Civil War.  We expect around 60 sutlers (Vendors), so you can purchase any Civil War items you might want.  We also have kettle corn, old time root beer and you can't leave without having a FRY BREAD.   All animals must be on a leash.