Historic St. George's UMC

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Historic St. George’s is the cradle of American Methodism and the denomination’s oldest church building in continuous service. People called “Methodists” have been meeting within its walls since 1769, and our museum helps bring these early years to life.

Francis Asbury, first bishop of the Methodist Church,preached here often. Asbury worked tirelessly to bring Methodism to the new land, traveling 270,000 miles on horseback and ordaining more than 4,000 ministers in 35 years. He called St. George's "The Cathedral Church of American Methodism." Our artifacts include a pulpit Bible presented by Asbury and a silver chalice that Methodism’s founder, John Wesley, sent St. George’s in 1785.

We have a long and rich story. Read more at http://www.historicstgeorges.org/museum/welcome/history

Better yet, come visit us! In addition to the regular museum hours, group tours can be scheduled for Saturdays. If you have a youth group, be sure to check out our Time Traveler events. Sunday Services at 10 AM year-round.