Guyandotte Civil War Days, Inc.

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It was on November 10, 1861, when the union town of Guyandotte was attacked suddenly and quickly by Confederate raiders.  These raiders captured the Garrison and put the village under the Confederacy control, which was short lived. The next morning the Confederates and their prisoners left for Richmond, Virginia.  Soon after they left, Union Troops returned and plundered what they thought was a Confederate town.  By sundown, most of the village was burned to the ground.


Every November, the Civil War sights and sounds returns to the now paved streets of Historic Guyandotte.  The reenactment on both Saturday and Sunday is based on known historic facts about the skirmishes that occurred on November 10-11, 1861.  During the weekend, there will also be living history scenarios, a lady’s tea, and a military ball along with the battles.  Please come and help us keep history alive.