Vikings from the Sagas of Icelanders

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The Sagas of Icelanders are one our best source of information about the use of weapons in the Viking age, giving many examples of men using weapons to resolve their disputes and to defend their honor. These examples paint a fairly clear picture of how Viking-age warriors fought. Importantly, they also give us a clear picture of the culture and society of the Viking-age people.

In this presentation, Dr. William R. Short will review the history, culture, and society of the Viking-age people. After a brief introduction to the weapons of the Viking age, he will discuss his recent research on the fighting moves of Viking-age warriors, as taught by the Sagas of Icelanders and other sources. 

Note: unlike our normal Tuesday events, this presentation is on Wednesday.

Dr. William R. Short is an independent scholar and manager of Hurstwic, LLC, an organization based in Millbury, MA, that researches, practices, and teaches how Vikings fought and used their weapons. Dr. Short’s most recent book is Icelanders of the Viking Age, an introduction to the people of the sagas. Last year, Hurstwic released the second film in their series of documentaries showing notable battles from the Viking-age, each shot on the location of the historical battle.