"The Worlds of the Seventeenth-Century Hudson Valley Part 2: American Worlds & The Formation of Atlantic Worlds,” a lecture by L. H. Roper

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The Worlds of the Seventeenth-Century Hudson Valley, newly published by SUNY Press, includes eleven essays from historians of American Indians and of early modern European colonization that consider seventeenth-century European settlement and the cultural interaction that ensued from a variety of perspectives and within the wider contexts of American and European histories. The volume considers four themes: “European Worlds,” “American Worlds,” “The Formation of Colonial Worlds,” and “The Formation of Atlantic Worlds.”

L. H. Roper, Professor of History at SUNY New Paltz, is one of the co-editors of this volume. This is the second in a series of two lectures by Roper.

This lecture will consider “American Worlds” and “The Formation of Atlantic Worlds,” discussing the character of the indigenous societies of the seventeenth-century Hudson Valley, their interactions with Europeans, and the effects of those interactions on both Native and European societies.