The Kell’s Pasture Site, a Native American site report by Gray & Pape Archaeological

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The Kell’s Pasture Site, a Native American site, was located by Gray and Pape in 2015. Located on the terraces of the Connecticut River in Greenfield MA, the site includes archaeological deposits that are deeply buried beneath deposits of alluvium. Occupations at this site appear to have occurred over a 7000 year period, with up to five incidences of occupation spanning the Archaic and Woodland cultural periods. In addition to a cultural story, this site informs on the geological history of the Connecticut Valley after the end of the last glacial ice age. Conclusions drawn from this study can help tell us more of the ancient story of the Connecticut Valley and the people who lived here. We are pleased to present Geo-Archaeologist and Principal Investigator Nathan Scholl at the Historical Society of Greenfield MA, for a discussion on the site, local archaeology, and geology.