Seminar Lost Years Recovered: John Peters And Phillis Wheatley Peters In Middleton

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Keeping family members safe, acquiring skills in multiple vocations, nurturing friendship networks across state and national borders, pushing back against harassment and denial of rights: these are some of the important, quotidian aspects of Black lives in the late eighteenth century that are found in the region’s extensive documentary record.  Panelists will discuss how following obscure clues and small details in a wide range of documents and artifacts can lead to surprising revelations. 

The Pauline Maier Early American History Seminar invites you to join the conversation. Seminars bring together a diverse group of scholars and interested members of the public to workshop a pre-circulated paper. Learn more.

Please note, this is a hybrid event which may be attended either in person at the MHS or virtually on the video conference platform, Zoom. Registrants will receive a confirmation message with attendance information.