Remember St. Bartholomew's Day

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On August 24, 1572, over 2,000 Protestants were slain in the city of Paris during what is now known as the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre. Please join us for a historic look back at the events that transpired and their effect on the future of the Huguenots in France.

Saturday, August 23
"Les Huguenots" Vignettes
DuBois Fort
12pm & 4pm

Inspired by the 19th century French opera and the pre-Raphaelite painting "A Huguenot on St. Bartholomew's Day," Historic Huguenot Street presents a series of educational and touching vignettes surrounding the circumstances of two star crossed lovers on the eve of the massacre.

Saturday, August 23
Sunday, August 24
"The Massacre at Paris"
Crispell Memorial French Church

Explore the events leading up to the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre, its implications, and its eventual effect on the history of New Paltz  in this unique interpretation at the Crispell Memorial French Church as part of our daily tours, only during the weekend of August 23 - 24.