Ohio Museums Association Annual Conference

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Ohio Museums Association’s 2014 Annual Conference

Where Will Your Museum Be In Ten Years?

The museum of the future is taking shape right now in Ohio. Advances in mission alignment, leadership, funding and earned revenue generation, exhibition design, and collections management are happening each day that will help determine which Ohio museums succeed and which struggle. What will the next decade hold in store for your museum?

OMA is looking for innovative and engaging sessions that will create an interactive experience for our conference attendees. Send in a proposal for a session that you would like to attend!

Submit your session proposal now for the 2014 annual conference of the Ohio Museums Association and help imagine the Ohio museum of the future. We”re seeking session proposals that will help foster dynamic conversations around:

  • Tapping into academic resources – collaborating with faculty and students
  • Recent innovations - how is your museum moving forward?
  • Reimagining your collection - using collections in new and innovative ways
  • Innovation from interesting places - surprising partnerships and collaborations
  • The role of technology in program access - getting patrons to use your new technology/tools
  • Keeping up with next-gen curriculum standards
  • Utilizing a business plan for sustainability
  • Visions that fizzled – Un-success stories