JFK: Conservative

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History / Heritage - Lecture/Discussion

John F. Kennedy inspired Lyndon B. Johnson to push for landmark civil rights laws and Bill Clinton to go into politics. Had he not been killed at age 46, its widely believed, he would have gone on to enact major liberal reforms.

But what if we have misunderstood Kennedy? What he actually accomplished in office shows that his two great causes were anti-communism and economic growth, former New York Sun editor Ira Stoll talks about his new book JFK: CONSERVATIVE (October 2013) and how Kennedys tax cuts, domestic spending restraint, military buildup and emphasis on free trade all make him a conservative.

Ira Stoll is the editor of FutureOfCapitalism.com and the author of Samuel Adams: A Life. From 2002 to 2008 he was vice president and managing editor of the New York Sun. Previously he served as Washington correspondent and managing editor of the Forward, as North American editor of the Jerusalem Post, and as president of the Harvard Crimson.