Interpretive Planning for Historic Homes and Gardens

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Who is this course for?

  • Individuals, agencies or organizations that may currently be involved with an interpretive master planning project for their historic home/garden.
  • Individuals, agencies or organizations that are planning on developing an interpretive master plan in the future for their site or organization.
  • Individuals offering interpretive planning contract services who do not possess a college level degree in interpretive services or who have not had any formal training in interpretive master planning.
  • Any individual interested in advancing their knowledge and skill level in heritage interpretation planning with a focus on Historic Homes and Gardens.

This course will:

  • Guide you in developing your interpretive plan yourself or with other team members.
  • Give you expertise in being an interpretive planning project manager.
  • Give you direction in writing a Request for Proposal for hiring a consultant to do an interpretive master plan for you if you don't want to do the interpretive plan yourself.
  • Give you specific details of what should be in an Interpretive Master Plan for a Historic Home and Garden.
  • Give you skills in reviewing draft interpretive master plans prepared by others.

Instructor: John Veverka

Course Start Date: May 6, 2019

Duration: 4 weeks