Farmville: Longwood University and the Robert Russa Moton Museum

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Join the VHS on its first See You on the Bus trip of 2014. Farmville played an important part in this nation’s civil rights struggle. R.R. Moton High School was the site of a historic civil rights action by the students of this segregated public school. Their initiative eventually became part of the landmark Brown v. Board of Education case decided by the United States Supreme Court in 1954. We will have a tour and video presentation, as well as a storyteller to help us understand this landmark legal case. We will then have lunch in the Stallard Board Room in Lancaster Hall at Longwood University. After lunch we will have a talk and browse the artwork in Lancaster Hall and then walk to the Rotunda in Ruffner Hall. We will conclude our day at Longwood House, home of President and Mrs. W. Taylor Reveley, IV.

The bus leaves from the VHS at 8:00 a.m.