Evaluating Interpretive Exhibits

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Exhibits are one of the most expensive of interpretive media we use, and yet one of the media that we often really don't know if "it works".  We judge exhibits by their appearance rather than by their success in accomplishing meaningful objectives. We like to ask -if you spend $10,000 on your exhibits, how will you determine if you're receiving $10,000 in benefits from those exhibits?  That's usually when we get the "deer in the headlights" stare.

Join professional interpreter John Ververka for this 4 week online course. It is the goal of this course to give you some simple tools for doing evaluations of, or critiquing exhibits. Some tools for critiquing existing exhibits - to see if they are accomplishing their objectives and may be in need of rehabilitation, and some for pre-post testing evaluation of exhibits first being designed to see if they are accomplishing their objectives prior to final construction so they can be "fixed" to be more effective.

Instructor: John Veverka

Course Start Date: March 4, 2019

Duration: 4 weeks