Deeds Not Words: Celebrating 100 Years of Women's Suffrage

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Martha Wolfe ∙ Sara Bard Field: Suffrage Envoy, 2019

The New England Quilt Museum reopens with the national premier of this invitational exhibition organized by Sandra Sider, Curator of the Texas Quilt Museum, and our NEQM Curator, Pamela Weeks. Twenty-eight award-winning artists from across the United States have created new works to commemorate the one hundredth anniversary of the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution, granting women the right to vote.

The subjects chosen by the artists reflect the national scope and history of the nearly eighty-year fight for votes for women. Viewed through the lens of contemporary events, the works created for this exhibition are an especially poignant reminder that the act of voting is essential to American democracy.

Sponsored exclusively by, with additional support from Karey Bresenhan and Nancy O’Bryant Puentes.