Colonial Faire & Muster of Fyfe and Drums

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In the days preceding the Revolutionary War, militia would usually muster to drill twice each year, once in the spring and the other in the fall. Following their drill, the militia would be joined by their families and celebrate with good food and drink, music and games.

On September 29, 2018, the late 18th century will come alive on the fields by the Wayside Inn. This annual Colonial Faire and Muster of Fyfe and Drum is hosted by the Sudbury Companies of Militia and Minute and the Sudbury Ancient Fyfe and Drum Companie.

Important tip: Be sure to get there in time for the parade from the Mill to the Inn to watch the parade, which is one of my favorite events of the year. — Lee Wright, Founder, The History List and History Camp

Details from their site: 

The Faire opens at 10:00 with a Colonial encampment, militia and crafts demonstrations, and contradancing. We expect dozens of colonial and craft vendors and 25 fife and drum corps. Food is available on the field.

The Grand Parade of fifes and drums will begin promptly at noon and will be followed directly by a performance by each of the corps attending. The muster is a celebration rather than a competition: The corps are appearing by invitation, and attend to share their music and friendship. Come enjoy the music and remember our Colonial heritage.

Historical background: A Minute company is a fighting group typically of younger, unattached men who could march under short notice and move quickly. It's those soldiers that we now refer to as Minutemen.