Cedar Creek Weekend

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Cedar Creek Weekend

In October we will feature our "Cedar Creek Weekend.' For the next two years, we will not reenact the Battle of Cedar Creek as a lead-up to our 150th event in 2014. In stead, we will feature commemorative actions surrounding other significant engagements in the Shenandoah Valley in 1864, such as the Battles of Fisher's Hill, Toms Brook, and others.

Each year, thousands gather outside of Middletown, Virginia to commemorate the Civil War’s largest and final major battle in the Shenandoah Valley.  Although fierce fighting once raged over these now peaceful fields, the fine fall weather and picturesque setting make this event a favorite for all who participate.

Cedar Creek is one of only a very few places that holds reenactments on the actual battlefield.  In addition to the thousands of reenactors who take to the field to recreate the dramatic events of October, 1864, we offer extensive living history displays and educational programs bring to life the realities of America’s agonizing Civil War.

We invite you to join us in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley this fall to step back in time and experience the events that took place here nearly 150 years ago!