Book Publishing For Genealogists

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Presented by literary agent Linda Roghaar. Free and open to the public.

In this talk, Linda will explain all the parts that make a book, from concept to finished book. She will discuss the difference between printing and publishing, how to organize your materials and set goals to get your book completed, and the most important piece you’ll need to get started. Filled with examples and stories, and many details, she will give you the overall picture of the journey of a manuscript - or an idea - to a professionally published book.

Linda Roghaar has worked for decades in book publishing helping writers get published. In 2007, she recognized that advances in technology could benefit authors and developed an exciting, collaborative platform that combines standards of traditional publishing with today’s innovative publishing tools. Backed by a team of talented writers, editors, and designers, she helps genealogists get their stories written, edited, and published.