10 on 10: Women in The Workforce | Old North Speaker Series (Webinar)

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Join us for a celebration of influential women past and present! Hear from ten powerhouse women working in Boston today as they each offer a 5-minute spotlight presentation on a visionary woman from Massachusetts history. Presentations will explore the evolution of women's professional identities and the ways in which each of these women have paved the way for equal rights. Afterward, stay for a community conversation about intersectional feminism, pay equity, and what we can each do today to advocate for equal rights for all in the workplace. Let's commemorate one of 2020's "Equal Pay Days", March 31, with revelry and solidarity!

EDIT: This event is being converted to an online webinar and conversation format. We are excited to expand our programming into this new format and will be sharing registration information within the next week!

Make sure to check out our blog for more information on our incredible speakers!